Carolina Ballet Theatre presents Enchanted Returns

The Spring 2021 Season continues with the performance of Enchanted: Returns 

The Spring 2021 performance will be held at Dance Arts Greenville’s Black Box Theatre as well as live-streamed via YouTube. Ticket sales will open to the public on Monday, March 1st, 2021.


Friday, April 16 at 7:30
Saturday, April 17 at 3:00 and 7:00
Sunday, April 18 at 2:00
Friday, April 23 at 7:30
Saturday, April 24 at 3:00 and 7:00
Sunday, April 25 at 2:00


When the world forces us into “stay-at-home” mode, a young brother and sister get caught in an endless cycle of electronics and a longing for the time they could play with their friends. Alas, the magic of nature calls them to put their devices away and exercise the power of their imaginations! Through enduring love between a prince and a princess-turned-swan, and the beauty of an enchanted garden preserved with nature’s best, we will always have our imagination to get us through the hardest of times.





Carolina Ballet Theatre Announces The Nutcracker: Once Upon a Time in Greenville to be Live Streamed

The Nutcracker: Once Upon a Time in Greenville to be Live Streamed

For the first time ever, see Carolina Ballet Theatre’s beloved Nutcracker: Once Upon a Time in Greenville via live stream with donations encouraged. In this reinvented holiday classic, Clara and her nutcracker will dance their way through Greenville’s cherished landmarks. Each show will be broadcasted live for all to see December 4th-6th and December 11th-13th.
Please note: The performances will be streamed from YouTube and the videos will not be available until the performance starts.

The Nutcracker: Once Upon A Time in Greenville– a European inspired production that brings all of Clara’s adventures and excitement home to Greenville. Continuing our reinvented holiday classic, the production highlights Victorian societal expectations and prosperity while Clara and her beloved Nutcracker dance their way through the cherished landmarks and stunning scenery of Greenville and into the hearts of the audience.

The libretto is adapted from E.T. A. Hoffmann’s classic story, The Nutcracker and the Mouse King. Choreographed by Hernan Justo, the refreshed ballet is based on the original Marius Petipa and Lev Ivanov ballet.


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Two SJCS students, eighth-grader Piper Dunn, and junior Lucina Frank, will be performing in the Carolina Ballet Theatre’s presentation of “The Nutcracker: Once Upon A Time in Greenville” at the Peace Center Dec. 13 and 14.

“The Nutcracker: Once Upon A Time in Greenville” is a European-inspired production that brings all of Clara’s adventures and excitement home to Greenville. Continuing the reinvented holiday classic, the production highlights Victorian societal expectations and prosperity, while Clara and her beloved Nutcracker dance their way through the cherished landmarks and stunning scenery of Greenville and into the hearts of the audience.

Piper is playing the younger version of Clara in both of Friday’s performances. Lucina is playing the older version of Clara in all four performances. Good luck to both Piper and Lucina!

Click here to purchase tickets.

Original Story

New York Times | Herman Cornejo: A Ballet Hero’s Milestone

“Yo, Herman,” Twyla Tharp calls out across a large, crowded studio. Rehearsal is about to begin, and dancers are milling around, chatting and stretching. But not Herman Cornejo. He’s in a corner, sketching out small movements as he runs through a sequence of steps in his mind. Seeing him lost in thought, Ms. Tharp walks over, placing a hand on his shoulder. The two confer quietly, like confidants.

Mr. Cornejo has a way of being in a group but not quite part of it, an island of intensity amid the tumult. And that quality of quiet absorption translates onto the stage too; he can elevate an entire ballet with his focus and polished bravura. And yet he never gives the impression of wanting to steal the show. Precision, control and a soaring, exhilarating jump that leaves your heart in your throat — they all become something greater: the suggestion of a state of mind. Without the usual fanfare that attends stars, he has become one of the most admired male dancers of his generation.

“When I was 20,” he said, “it was all about the dancing, but now it’s about interpreting something onstage. The technique is there.”

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Jungle Book Ballet Returns

Jungle Book Ballet Returns

Location: Gunter Theatre
Date: March 6th & 7th, 2020

Carolina Ballet Theatre’s Spring Season begins with a unique, adaptation Carolina Ballet Theatre presents, Jungle Book: The Ballet, choreographed and directed by Hernan Justo. This classic tale, based on the short story collection by Rudyard Kippling is given a new and innovative twist, all with Greenville flair.

Families, children, and art patrons alike won’t want to miss this mythical ballet. Discover the journey of Mowgli, a young boy abandoned in the jungles of India only to be discovered by a panther and raised by a pack of wolves.

The ballet follows Mowgli as he grows and sets out on an adventure to the human village, acting as an ambassador for the animals in an attempt to keep the peace between their worlds. On his mission, Mowgli will encounter classic characters like Baloo the Bear and Kaa the Snake.

Much like the animated film, Mowgli encounters the beautiful human girl, Shanti and is instantly smitten. From here on out, Mowgli’s life will change forever. Many years will pass, but Mowgli will never forget his first love. Eventually, he will be called upon to protect his animal family and the jungle he loves by facing off with Shanti’s father and brother who set out to mine gems from a temple controlled by monkey’s. Mowgli, now a man, will be called upon to save his home and make peace between the animal kingdom and the human realm. This mythical ballet transcends the imagination and creates a world of courage, adventure and ultimately, love.



2019/20 Season Patrons, Sponsors & Grantors

The Ballet Santa Clause

the-larocque-family-colorThe Larocque Family


Registration Information

Jungle Book Ballet Returns Registration

Performance fee is $90.00 per performance cast. This is a non-refundable fee. Failure to complete registration and payment may result in your dancer’s part being revoked.


Sleeping Beauty


Sleeping Beauty

Location: Gunter Theatre
Date: September 27 & 28


Purchase Tickets Coming Soon!



2019/20 Season Patrons, Sponsors & Grantors

The Ballet Santa Clause

the-larocque-family-colorThe Larocque Family


Performance Registration


If you were selected to perform, you will need to register. Click on the button below.


